Watch Aaron Rodgers and Chris Paul Make Unbelievable Trick Shots With Dude Perfect
We all know Dude Perfect and their crazy trick shots, but when they add Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Los Angeles Clippers point guard Chris Paul, impossible shots become possible.
RELATED: Ryan Tannehill’s Ridiculous Trick Shots
Some of the incredible shots you will see Paul hit are the Spin Cycle 360, a shot where the basket is spinning, and the Elevated Coffin Corner, a shot from the corner of the court all the way up in the stands. You will also see some pretty awesome throws from Rodgers—like when he hits a target on top of a guy’s head while jumping on a pogo stick.
You’ll also learn some fun facts about the two superstars. Check out the video below:
[youtube video=”gfM0_ngx0zU” /]RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
Watch Aaron Rodgers and Chris Paul Make Unbelievable Trick Shots With Dude Perfect
We all know Dude Perfect and their crazy trick shots, but when they add Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Los Angeles Clippers point guard Chris Paul, impossible shots become possible.
RELATED: Ryan Tannehill’s Ridiculous Trick Shots
Some of the incredible shots you will see Paul hit are the Spin Cycle 360, a shot where the basket is spinning, and the Elevated Coffin Corner, a shot from the corner of the court all the way up in the stands. You will also see some pretty awesome throws from Rodgers—like when he hits a target on top of a guy’s head while jumping on a pogo stick.
You’ll also learn some fun facts about the two superstars. Check out the video below:
[youtube video=”gfM0_ngx0zU” /]