Watch History as Robbie ‘Maddo’ Maddison Rides a Wave on His Dirtbike
Robbie Maddison is a motorbike stuntman from Australia who is known for performing crazy stunts. This daredevil has cleared a football field and backflipped over the Tower Bridge in London—while it was open! For his most recent feat, Maddison rode his bike on a wave. You heard that right—he went surfing on his dirtbike.
The wave “Maddo” chose to surf was the daunting Teahupoo in Tahiti. Maddison grew up surfing (on a board, not a bike), which helped him pull off this trick. Check out the video.
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Watch History as Robbie ‘Maddo’ Maddison Rides a Wave on His Dirtbike
Robbie Maddison is a motorbike stuntman from Australia who is known for performing crazy stunts. This daredevil has cleared a football field and backflipped over the Tower Bridge in London—while it was open! For his most recent feat, Maddison rode his bike on a wave. You heard that right—he went surfing on his dirtbike.
The wave “Maddo” chose to surf was the daunting Teahupoo in Tahiti. Maddison grew up surfing (on a board, not a bike), which helped him pull off this trick. Check out the video.