5 Tips to Avoid Rookie Mistakes at Your First Triathlon
Nothing does more for an ego than competing in a triathlon. It's a testament to not only your fitness, but also your endurance level — both mental and...
Preparing for the U.S. Military Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
The Physical Performace Test (PFT) consists of three events, each worth 100 points for a maximum of 300 points. More information on the rules can...
3 Exercises to Develop Your Barbell Snatch Technique
The Barbell Snatch, an Olympic lift where the bar is lifted overhead in one fluent movement, is commonly used to increase strength and power during...
Power Clean Variations for Strength and Power
The Power Clean is a variation of the Olympic Clean and Jerk (performed from the floor and caught in a quarter squat position) and is commonly...