Wrestling Exercises to Develop a Huge Neck
If you've ever seen great wrestlers, most have one thing in common: they all have huge necks and big traps. Having a big, strong neck is extremely important for bridging [...]
5 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Build Explosive Power
Explosive power is the most sought-after attribute an athlete can possess. Watch any pro sport; you'll see that the best athletes are not those who compete at a slow pace. [...]
Hip Stretching Exercises for Speed and Power
Hip mobility plays a key role in every major sport. You may be able to Squat 500 pounds or run a 4.4 40-Yard Dash, but if you have stiff hips, [...]
3 Highly Effective Hand Speed Drills
Do you want to hit a ball harder, stickhandle faster or shed tough blocks? Then perform hand speed drills. Hand speed drills are designed to make your upper body move [...]
How to Build Muscle Fast With Complexes
I'm often asked, "What is the fastest way to build muscle?" Building muscle is all about time under tension, or the amount of time your muscles work under a load. [...]
Why Wrestlers Need to Add Strength Work Into Their Training
In the old days, wrestlers trained with long-distance runs and mat drills—and an occasional high rep plate workout. And although those methods produced great wrestlers, it wasn't because of increased [...]