5 Productive Strategies Parents Can Use to Develop Their Child’s Athleticism
As a former high school strength and conditioning coach, I’ve noticed that athletic development opportunities for kids have faded in recent years. On one hand, many schools are reducing or [...]
Why It’s Better for Young Athletes to Lift ‘Too Light’ Rather Than ‘Too Heavy’
By utilizing the following three simple principles with your young athletes, we’ll develop the athletes we desire, boost on-field performance and reduce injury risk.
5 Things Sport Coaches Need to Know About Strength Training
The best outcomes for our athletes occurred when the sport coach and I were on the same page with respect to the role strength training should play for both the athlete and the program.
6 Strategies To Help Youth Athletes Eat Better
Over the years, I've found that poor nutrition habits, often characterized by a failure to eat regularly, are one of the biggest barriers for kids in achieving their athletic potential. [...]
3 Tips to Keep Workouts Engaging For Young Athletes
Although "variety is the spice of life," it can quickly become the enemy of progress in the weight room when it's overemphasized at the expense of other strength training principles. [...]
Why Getting 1% Better Each Day Is the True Mark of Toughness
My senior year of high school began in 1995. I played Pearl Jam over and over on my Walkman and Seinfeld was appointment viewing. But while bands and shows come [...]