Holiday Wish List 2015: The PowerAmp FlexFast Cable
I love resistance bands for a few reasons. One, they’re versatile—you can do a large number of exercises with just a single band. Two, they’re convenient—they’re lightweight and easy to take on the go. And three, they’re effective—their unique design challenge your muscles in ways free weights simply cannot.
So I knew I would probably like the PowerAmp FlexFast Cable before I even got a chance to try it. When I did get my hands on it, I found that it not only checks all the benefit boxes of a standard resistance band, it also boasts unique features that really set it apart.
First, PowerAmp XXX tubing lasts three times longer than a standard resistance band. From an investment standpoint, that’s awesome. It means you can do three times as many reps before you have to buy a new one. I can attest that the tubing feels heavy duty. With certain bands, you feel like they could snap at any minute. That wasn’t the case with the PowerAmp FlexFast. I never got the sense that the band was near its breaking point no matter how hard I pulled or pushed.
Second, the FlexFast handles are durable yet comfortable. If you feel like it, you can always grab directly onto the cable, but I enjoyed using the handles. They easily allow you to use any type of grip, and they don’t uncomfortably chafe against your forearms, wrist or hands.
Third, and perhaps most unusual, the FlexFast has a heavy-duty door jamb attachment. You can easily attach the product to a door frame, which dramatically increases the number of exercises you can perform with it. Rows, Pull-Downs, Press-Downs and Standing Chest Presses cannot be performed with most standard resistance cables, but the FlexFast lets you to do them safely and effectively.
The PowerAmp FlexFast cable is available in four varieties, differing in color and degree of resistance. The heaviest cable offers 40 pounds of resistance, which somewhat limits its versatility, since that’s likely too much resistance for rehab and pre-hab applications. I think the 20-pound cable offers a great balance of versatility and effectiveness, but it really comes down to your own personal strength and skill level.
All four varieties of the PowerAmp FlexFast Cable are available for between $15 and $18 at
RELATED: STACK’s Full Library of Resistance Band Drills and Exercises
Holiday Wish List 2015: The PowerAmp FlexFast Cable
I love resistance bands for a few reasons. One, they’re versatile—you can do a large number of exercises with just a single band. Two, they’re convenient—they’re lightweight and easy to take on the go. And three, they’re effective—their unique design challenge your muscles in ways free weights simply cannot.
So I knew I would probably like the PowerAmp FlexFast Cable before I even got a chance to try it. When I did get my hands on it, I found that it not only checks all the benefit boxes of a standard resistance band, it also boasts unique features that really set it apart.
First, PowerAmp XXX tubing lasts three times longer than a standard resistance band. From an investment standpoint, that’s awesome. It means you can do three times as many reps before you have to buy a new one. I can attest that the tubing feels heavy duty. With certain bands, you feel like they could snap at any minute. That wasn’t the case with the PowerAmp FlexFast. I never got the sense that the band was near its breaking point no matter how hard I pulled or pushed.
Second, the FlexFast handles are durable yet comfortable. If you feel like it, you can always grab directly onto the cable, but I enjoyed using the handles. They easily allow you to use any type of grip, and they don’t uncomfortably chafe against your forearms, wrist or hands.
Third, and perhaps most unusual, the FlexFast has a heavy-duty door jamb attachment. You can easily attach the product to a door frame, which dramatically increases the number of exercises you can perform with it. Rows, Pull-Downs, Press-Downs and Standing Chest Presses cannot be performed with most standard resistance cables, but the FlexFast lets you to do them safely and effectively.
The PowerAmp FlexFast cable is available in four varieties, differing in color and degree of resistance. The heaviest cable offers 40 pounds of resistance, which somewhat limits its versatility, since that’s likely too much resistance for rehab and pre-hab applications. I think the 20-pound cable offers a great balance of versatility and effectiveness, but it really comes down to your own personal strength and skill level.
All four varieties of the PowerAmp FlexFast Cable are available for between $15 and $18 at
RELATED: STACK’s Full Library of Resistance Band Drills and Exercises