STACK’s Gatorade Athlete Testing Part 5: The Training Montage
Like all powerful, life-changing training montages, the above episode needs few words to support it. Simply watch it to see how Andy and I prepared ourselves physically for the final round of Gatorade athlete testing at Super Bowl XLV.
Although we both received performance benefits from Gatorade’s three-part G Series, our training experiences differed considerably. Andy chose to perform his workouts during the evening hours in the comfortable confines of his local health club. His companions in training were the inspired members of the nightly Jazzercise classes. On the other hand, I rose in the darkness of pre-dawn and attacked my workouts in the solitude of my basement. My only companions were cold iron plates and steel barbells.
You will not be alone in detecting a storyline frighteningly similar to that of Rocky IV: two rival combatants in the midst of intense training leading up to a meeting on a shared stage for the world to see. The one, more likable, combatant relies on hard work, gritty motivation and battle-tested methods in solitary, Spartan surroundings. The other relies on cutting-edge training equipment to find his success.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 of our Gatorade Athlete testing series to get the full story behind our journey.
Photo: Zosimo Maximo
STACK’s Gatorade Athlete Testing Part 5: The Training Montage
Like all powerful, life-changing training montages, the above episode needs few words to support it. Simply watch it to see how Andy and I prepared ourselves physically for the final round of Gatorade athlete testing at Super Bowl XLV.
Although we both received performance benefits from Gatorade’s three-part G Series, our training experiences differed considerably. Andy chose to perform his workouts during the evening hours in the comfortable confines of his local health club. His companions in training were the inspired members of the nightly Jazzercise classes. On the other hand, I rose in the darkness of pre-dawn and attacked my workouts in the solitude of my basement. My only companions were cold iron plates and steel barbells.
You will not be alone in detecting a storyline frighteningly similar to that of Rocky IV: two rival combatants in the midst of intense training leading up to a meeting on a shared stage for the world to see. The one, more likable, combatant relies on hard work, gritty motivation and battle-tested methods in solitary, Spartan surroundings. The other relies on cutting-edge training equipment to find his success.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 of our Gatorade Athlete testing series to get the full story behind our journey.
Photo: Zosimo Maximo