Build Muscle
How to Build Serious Single-Leg Strength (And Why It’s So Important)
In a previous article, I established solid single-leg strength standards based on my many years of experience working with junior, D1 and pro hockey players. To recap, I consider split-squatting [...]
Want to Have Your Best Football Offseason Ever? Do This Right Now
So, your high school football season is over. Whether it ended in ecstasy or disappointment, the time to start planning for next season is now. The offseason is a vital [...]
A Weak Lower Back Could Be Limiting Your Big Lifts. This Exercise Will Fix It Fast
The lower back is the linchpin in heavy lower-body movements. One look at the spinal erector development of Olympic weightlifters tells us how incredibly strong these muscles need to be [...]
New Bench Press Study Finds Surprising Results
You know that weird dude at the gym you always laugh at for bench pressing with his feet up? He might be onto something… Hear me out. A new study [...]
4 Hacks to Make Your Muscle-Building Workouts More Effective
It takes a lot of commitment to go to the gym or weight room and give your best effort. Many people, be them athletes or average Joes, share a common [...]
3 RDL Mistakes Hurting Your Back
The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) is what I consider to be an essential exercise for athletes of all ages and experience levels, but has certainly developed some confusion around its effectiveness [...]
Burn Off Those Extra Thanksgiving Calories With These Fat-Burning Full-Body Exercises
What is so good about full body exercises? Well in today's world we want everything to be faster. We want our phones to be faster, our computers, weight...
Why Not Wanting to ‘Get Bulky’ Is a Dumb Reason to Avoid Weight Training
The fear of "getting bulky" is used by many athletes, male and female, as an excuse to avoid the weight room. If you have trained like an animal non-stop for [...]
You’re Probably Neglecting Your Posterior Chain. Here’s How to Train It
To achieve maximum strength levels, you must be well-rounded in your training. Many athletes are quick to train the “beach muscles”—biceps, triceps, pecs, etc.—but often neglect to train the body [...]
This 2-Move Drill Torches Fat and Builds Muscle
Whether you're thinking about enhancing performance in sport or improving how you look, at the end of the day, it's all about getting better. Getting stronger and more efficient at [...]