Cherry Juice
This #1 Juice Will Maximize Your Training and Enhance Recovery
Physical activity, endurance, and strength training require nutritional preparation to help maximize your training. Therefore, knowing which supplements can boost them is essential. Understand that training is one-half, and recovery [...]
Tart Cherry Juice: A Superfood for Athletes?
Tart cherry juice the sports nutrition super food that can help speed up your recovery and preserve strength gains. Tart cherries are rich in compounds...
The Easy Way to Get More Energy
When you’re an athlete on the move, somebody is bound to ask where you get all your stamina and energy. Do your part to increase our society’s biological IQ—tell 'em [...]
NFL Players Relieve Pain With Acupuncture
Seeking to relieve pain and soreness that result from their battles on the gridiron, NFL players seek out massage therapists and chiropractors, practice yoga, receive electronic stimulation and nap in [...]
Reduce Muscle Soreness With Cherry Juice
Strengthening your muscles requires breaking them down, which leads to a natural yet irritating aftereffect: muscle soreness. According to Ball State’s director of strength research David Pearson, this microtrauma is [...]
The Benefits of Juice
By Sarah Gearhart According to a research study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, drinking cherry juice can reduce exercised-induced muscle pain and damage—thanks to its anti-inflammatory agents [...]