Dumbbell Press
Got ONE Dumbbell? You Got A Killer Workout!
Don't let the gym being closed be an excuse to miss workouts! One dumbbell does the trick!
An 8-Round Shoulder Press Workout Challenge
Looking for a grueling shoulder press workout?Well look no further. This will absolutely bury your shoulders and leave you with that fire in your arms...
3 Exercises That Train All of Your Shoulder Muscles
Shoulder exercises are essential for any athlete because they strengthen the muscles and joints that are used quite often throughout the day. Your...
A Quick In-Season Ab and Arm Workout for Baseball Players
A Quick Abs and Arms Workout Ideal for Baseball Season By Jim Carpentier, C.S.C.S. As athletes at all levels hit the baseball and softball diamond this...
Build a Stronger Chest With the Dumbbell Floor Press
We know the saying, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." However, that saying for some reason does not fit well within the Strength and...
Train Like an NFL Player This Off-Season
What does it take to play in the NFL? A lot of hard work ,dedication , talent and a desire to always get better. The Super Bowl ends one season and...