olympic lifts
Conditioning Programs for Power and Speed: Enhance Your Athletic Performance
Most people just start speed and power training, not understanding how it works. Just sprinting will help increase a small amount of your speed and power but not your potential. [...]
Power Training for Baseball: It’s More Than Olympic Lifts
Baseball players need to be explosive and powerful to throw, hit, jump, run, and change directions. This is so important it has to consistently be addressed in a baseball player's [...]
Why Every High School Athlete Should Learn to Olympic Lift
Most athletes don’t know how to Olympic lift or even know what it is. This is understandable but a shame. The main reason athletes are unfamiliar is because Olympic lifting [...]
Increase Your Explosiveness with the Power Curl
How many times have you seen a wrestler get in on a leg for a takedown, but not finish it? A wrestler needs to be able to generate explosive power to...
A Guide to Off-Season Football Training
Today's athlete is bigger, faster, and stronger than ever. Transitions to a faster playing style have revolutionized football off-season training from...
GHD Sit-Ups: The Worst CrossFit Exercise?
The GHD Sit-Up is a popular CrossFit exercise for training the core and developing power on the front of the hips. It may also be one of the worst exercises [...]
A Simple Strength Training Strategy for Multi-Sport Athletes
Even in this world of kids failing kindergarten entrance exams and specializing in sport at the age of 7; there are still a few athletes that compete...
Squat Jumps: Build Explosiveness With This Simple Lower-Body Exercise
Before discussing the benefits of jump squats, we need to explore what the benefits of Olympic lifting and athletic development. Olympic lifting is a...
Master Your Push Press Form to Develop Total-Body Power
The Push Press is an explosive lift that is a derivative of the classic Olympic Lifts. It’s one of the best total-body exercises, developing lower-body power while building shoulder strength [...]
The Workout Terms and Equipment Athletes Need to Know
If you’re new to working out, some of the terms you might hear spoken around the weight room or have read on your workout chart might seem like a foreign [...]