You Docs
How Eggs Can Change Your Genes
The foods you choose to put in your mouth today are critical to your health tomorrow. But did you know certain foods can also affect your future offspring? A 2012 [...]
The Athlete’s Trouble Spots: Knees and Shoulders
Whether it’s a car a computer or a relationship, everything has a breaking point. Our bodies are no different. We can get shut down by an acute injury (like a [...]
How to Handle Stress Headaches
Q: I get bad headaches when I’m stressed. How can I handle them? Stress headaches have many triggers, including lack of sleep, skipping meals, bad posture and yes, stress. Proper rest, [...]
The Low-Stress Diet Game Plan
To keep your stress levels in check, start with a great offense by consuming small, frequent meals. Then amp up your defense by following three key principles. Dump simple carbs [...]
Make Stress Work for You
Some adults say that until you have a job, bills to pay and a family to feed, you don’t know stress. Guess what: They’re wrong. No one’s stress is more [...]
Ask the Doctors: What Are the Risks of Diet Pills and Laxatives
Inadequate calories can cause the body to eventually break down heart muscle for food; and adding a stimulant such as diet pills can cause the heart to develop an abnormal, life-threatening rhythm that can cause [...]
The Healthy Way to Lose Weight
People start diets around the holidays to look good for parties or fit into a swimsuit for a winter vacation; and to get that “quick fix,” many attempt to lose weight fast and in an [...]
The Dangers of Fad Diets
Fad diets may lead to quick weight loss, but they can be extremely dangerous. Young athletes need to eat well-balanced meals with the right nutrients to support intense workouts. That starts with lean proteins [...]
Fight Illness With Food
No one enjoys being sick; but when it interferes with a tournament or competition, it’s truly the pits. Playing while you’re sick is never a good idea, but some foods [...]
Be Immune to Getting Sick This Season
Your immune system is housed in various areas of your body, like police precincts in a big city. Invaders (viruses, bacteria) can break through all of the typical entryways (mouth, [...]