Deceleration: The Missing Link in Speed Training
Speed is often the factor that separates the elite from the average athlete. But there's more to speed than running fast in a straight line. For most sports, you need [...]
How to Decide the Best Workout Equipment for You
Every piece of workout equipment has benefits and disadvantages. For instance, stationary machines typically move in a single plane of motion, whereas barbells allow you to travel in multiple planes. [...]
Use an Adjustable Bench Press to Develop Upper-Body Strength
The adjustable bench is a versatile piece of equipment found in virtually every weight room—and for good reason. You can use it to perform numerous upper body-strengthening exercises that will [...]
Help Prevent ACL Injuries With Mini-Band Exercises
With more than 100,000 ACL tears occurring annually in the United States, every program should incorporate some form of ACL injury prevention. I recommend performing a proper warm-up with mini-bands. [...]
Overload Your Core With 7 Muscle-Building Exercises
The current approach to strength training is to focus on the core—and with good reason. Research shows that the core fires through nearly all movements. Even the Front Shoulder Raise [...]
Jump Training: How to Become Explosive
Being explosive can mean the difference between running faster and jumping higher than an opponent. One of the best methods for developing explosive power is plyometric training, which works to [...]