What Chest Pain Means for Athletes
You’re young. You’re an athlete. So why does your chest hurt? After all, don’t heart problems strike older, less active people? Most of the time, that’s true. But no one [...]
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: When Having a Big Heart Is Dangerous
If you're an athlete, there’s one muscle that can become too big: your heart. Sure, it sounds counterintuitive. The purpose of training, after all, is to grow and strengthen your [...]
What’s With the Stethoscope? Heart Murmurs in Athletes
Dermot Phelan, M.D. Ph.D., is a staff cardiologist and the director of the Sports Cardiology Center within the Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute at the Cleveland [...]
ECGs in Sports: What You Need to Know
Before you win, you’ve got to train. And before that, you'd better get screened. Generally, pre-participation screening involves filling out a form that asks you questions about your and your [...]