High School Sports
Warmups for the Youth Athlete
If you surveyed youth athletes, asking what their least favorite part of practice was, most of them would probably say the warmup. Warmups take a lot of unexciting effort. Young [...]
How to Stay Ahead of Recovery as a Young Athlete
Minimizing stress and maximizing recovery time are major keys to great performance, both in sports and in academics. It’s tough to balance a high-stress schedule packed with school, sports, and [...]
Why Coaches Should Prioritize their own Mental Health
The selfless acts of a coach frequently cause them to disregard their own mental health. This is because coaches are so focused on infusing knowledge, not just to produce stronger [...]
Are Adults Destroying Youth Sports?
Youth sports seem to be getting more competitive, and nothing is wrong with that. However, too much emphasis is placed on winning and not enough on having fun. Parents must [...]
Sleep Strategies and Actionable Tips for Athletes
Intro Sleep, without a question or doubt, is the most important factor affecting performance and recovery. The importance of sleep is confirmed by copious amounts of research done throughout all [...]
5 Must Do’s To Get Stronger for High School Athletes
Training athletes has been a passion of mine for decades. One thing I’ve always noticed while at games is that the most popular high school sports, including football, basketball, and [...]
Georgia Soccer Executive Director Impacts Change Through The GOALS Council
The GOALS Council is a national strategic advisory council working together to better the game of soccer for the next generation. Its members encompass leaders in their respective youth soccer [...]
Florida Youth Soccer Association Executive Director Looks to Make a Difference Through GOALS Council
The GOALS Council is a national strategic advisory council working together to better the game of soccer for the next generation. Its members encompass leaders in their respective youth soccer [...]
6 Books Every Athlete Should Read this Summer
President Harry Truman once said, "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." Reading connotes learning. Learning is the basis for transformational growth. Reading gives us access to [...]
7 Benefits of Physical Therapy and Athletic Performance
There is nothing worse than getting injured and sitting out for many games and perhaps the season. Preparation is the number one thing you can do to prevent injury. However, [...]