4 Tips to Help You Stop DIEting and Start Eating Healthy
It doesn’t take a genius to start eating healthy, though many women act like it does. Look at the first three letters of the word “diet.” Tell me: who really wants to stress constantly over what they’re eating.
Counting calories, fat grams and carbohydrate levels? No thanks! Diet plans for women usually include concoctions of ingredients to help us fast, defecate or simply eat certain foods until we’re blue in the face. I think not.
It’s true you are what you eat, but that doesn’t mean diets are the way to keep up your girlish figure. Instead turn healthy eating into your new “lifestyle plan.” Here’s how to start.
Remove All Beige-Colored Food
This includes white starchy breads, pastas, artificial sugars and fried foods. You’ve heard that these foods aren’t good for you, but the cold hard truth is that these foods feed the yeast in our systems, causing all sorts of health and skin conditions that I’m pretty sure none of us wants to bother with.
Eat Raw Foods
Enliven your life with colorful fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains and nuts. There is nothing better than feeling alive, so stop eating dead (cooked) food all the time. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut, right?
Go for the Protein
I can’t stress enough the value of protein in your daily menu. The more protein you eat, the less you’ll crave sugar and the healthier your mind and body will be. Processed sugar is the enemy, so why not replace it with protein.
Last but certainly not least, include exercise in your daily life, even if it’s just 30 minutes of brisk walking. Just like we need food to survive and live a healthier life, we also need to keep our bodies moving. Shed pounds from the inside out with your daily food intake and tighten up your physique with exercise. That is a double whammy to combat anything that might try to take you down.
4 Tips to Help You Stop DIEting and Start Eating Healthy
It doesn’t take a genius to start eating healthy, though many women act like it does. Look at the first three letters of the word “diet.” Tell me: who really wants to stress constantly over what they’re eating.
Counting calories, fat grams and carbohydrate levels? No thanks! Diet plans for women usually include concoctions of ingredients to help us fast, defecate or simply eat certain foods until we’re blue in the face. I think not.
It’s true you are what you eat, but that doesn’t mean diets are the way to keep up your girlish figure. Instead turn healthy eating into your new “lifestyle plan.” Here’s how to start.
Remove All Beige-Colored Food
This includes white starchy breads, pastas, artificial sugars and fried foods. You’ve heard that these foods aren’t good for you, but the cold hard truth is that these foods feed the yeast in our systems, causing all sorts of health and skin conditions that I’m pretty sure none of us wants to bother with.
Eat Raw Foods
Enliven your life with colorful fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains and nuts. There is nothing better than feeling alive, so stop eating dead (cooked) food all the time. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut, right?
Go for the Protein
I can’t stress enough the value of protein in your daily menu. The more protein you eat, the less you’ll crave sugar and the healthier your mind and body will be. Processed sugar is the enemy, so why not replace it with protein.
Last but certainly not least, include exercise in your daily life, even if it’s just 30 minutes of brisk walking. Just like we need food to survive and live a healthier life, we also need to keep our bodies moving. Shed pounds from the inside out with your daily food intake and tighten up your physique with exercise. That is a double whammy to combat anything that might try to take you down.