The New Improved US Army Fitness Test
Recruits need to complete the six tests in two hours.
How the Army Is Training Soldiers Like Athletes
Army workouts are notoriously brutal. You can probably imagine soldiers lined up performing a seemingly endless number of Push-Ups with a Drill Sergeant barking at them throughout the workout.
STACK Challenge: The Army Push-Up Test
Every week, a new STACK Challenge gives you an opportunity to test your athletic ability and win a STACK T-shirt. Take the challenge and enter to win a T-shirt by [...]
3 Tips for Preventing ACL Tears
In 1988 Steven Svoboda played offensive guard for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. During the first play of a game against Colgate University, he felt the “pop” in [...]
Army vs. Navy: Which Is Tougher?
The annual Army-Navy college football game takes place today. Since 1890, Army and Navy have done battle 112 times, with Navy holding a slight edge all-time at 56-49-7. Navy has also [...]
Playing Basketball for the Army: Q&A With West Point Recruit Tanner Omlid
Playing sports at a U.S. service academy is a completely different ballgame from playing at a traditional school. Curious whether it might be right for you? To learn more about [...]
3 Mental Toughness Techniques for Endurance Athletes
Whether you're trying to set a marathon personal record or just want to make it through a 10-mile march without passing out, you can benefit from mental training just as [...]
Army All-American Bowl Brings Military Leadership Training to the Football Field
Each year, the U.S. Army All-American Bowl gives America’s top high school players a chance to showcase their talents on a national stage. In the past, participants have included future [...]
How I Broke Through My Mental Barriers to Get into the Best Shape of My Life
When I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, I wasn’t anybody’s idea of a perfect soldier. I was 25 pounds over my target weight and eating way too much fast [...]
New Army Fitness Test a Better Fit for Athletes
After using the same physical fitness test for more than 30 years, the U.S. Army is making radical changes that will better prepare its soldiers for action. Athletes take note. [...]