Packers Coach on Eddie Lacy: ‘He Cannot Play at the Weight He Was At This Year’
If you watched the Green Bay Packers this season, you probably noticed that their running back, Eddie Lacy, looked kind of ... sort of .... well, out of shape. Lacy [...]
Use These Tire Exercises to Throw Harder
Throwing is a full body movement, which should be mimicked in the weight room. Throwing anything must be explosive and very violent (like tire...
Holiday Wish List 2015: Nike Pro Hyperwarm Limitless
Nike Pro Hyperwarm Limitless (front) For all you brave souls who choose to work out or train outdoors even when temperatures are in the low 20s, you've got [...]
Increase Core Strength and Mobility With the Anterior Core Breaker Let's be honest: not everyone has the time to live at the gym or visit the gym daily, and believe it or not,...
LeBron James is Wearing Short Shorts in an Effort to Change the Way Younger Athletes Dress
If you think back to LeBron James's high school days, you probably remember him like this: wearing an oversized jersey and shorts that swung below the knees. And when he [...]
NBA Players Reveal Fun (and Strange) Facts in New Survey
As you could probably tell from their awesome celebrations and sometimes-great, sometimes-gawdy but always entertaining outfits, the NBA is full of colorful characters and larger-than-life personalities. But things may have reached a [...]
Cleveland Cavaliers Officially Unveil Alternate Uniforms
Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert had some fun with fans late Thursday night, tweeting out a picture of three—and let's not mince words here—absolutely horrific alternate team jerseys and hinting [...]
WATCH: Hilarious Jeremy Lin Video on How To Fit In the NBA
If you ever wondered what it takes to fit in the NBA, your questions will be answered in this hysterical video. Jeremy Lin, point guard for the Charlotte Hornets, explains [...]
NFL ‘Cleat Bling’ is Now a Thing: The Flashiest Spikes in Football
For years, fans paid as much attention to NFL players' footwear as they did to their economics professor's boring lectures. That is to say, not much. All NFL players ever needed [...]
adidas Unveils the J Wall 2, John Wall’s Second Signature Shoe
As the career of Washington Wizards point guard John Wall blossoms, so too do his kicks. After a successful run with Wall's first signature shoe from adidas (the J Wall [...]