Full Speed
Styling and Profiling: LRG 2011 Fall Video Lookbook
To many of us, it feels like summer has just arrived. But, to fashion-minded athletes who have to think one step ahead, it's time to start gearing up for fall [...]
Develop Drop and Drive Defensive Movements for Volleyball
You’re facing a towering attacker who is killing cross-court shots at an alarming rate. The only thing standing between her heat-seeking missiles and the floor is, well, you. Rather than [...]
Agility Training: Set Up Progressions for Reaction Success
Agility training is more than setting up a few cones and running around the field. You wouldn't go into the weight room and slap on a few random plates for [...]
Enhance Outfield Reaction Time With Blind Ball Drills
An outstanding outfielder is one who “moves at full speed while judging the ball on the run,” says John Rittman, head coach of Stanford University's softball team. To develop outfield [...]
Improve Your Weak Hand Dribbling Skills
For most basketball players, the season has come to an end. But there's no better time than the off-season to work on areas of your game that need improvement. Regardless [...]
Exercise of the Week: Tennis Ball Reaction Drill
Speed is important, but there are only a few instances in a game when you actually reach top speed. Instead of working just on speed, focus on developing quickness, which [...]
Thursday Tech Roundup: Treadmill Desk
Have you ever wanted to study and train at the same time? Turns out you can with TrekDesk, a new technology that adds a desk to your treadmill. When you [...]
Fight Counter-Rotation With Rodney Martin
Did you know that when you run, the surface of the track releases energy that can affect your performance? It’s called counter-rotation, and it happens in the drive phase, when [...]
Oregon State’s Linear and On-Field Speed Training
“There is a misconception that football players should only train on-field speed,” says Bryan Miller, Oregon State University’s director of strength and conditioning. “Unfortunately, little emphasis is placed on training [...]
Backpedaling Basics
Whether you’re on a field, diamond, court or frozen pond, you must be able to move backward as fluidly and as quickly as you move forward. To improve backpedaling skills, [...]