The Correct Way to Boost Your Vertical Jump
You must look at proper biomechanics and timing to boost your vertical jump during the different phases. Good technique will help optimize energy transfer, maximize muscle engagement, and enhance the [...]
How To Add Inches To Your Vertical Jump
Improving your vertical jump requires working on strength training and plyometrics to improve reaction, speed, and power.
Rotational Plyometrics for Youth and High School Sports
Plyometric training, or more simply, jump training, has long been a staple of performance enhancement programs from youth to elite levels. With its focus on generating explosive force in the [...]
Is There a Difference Between a Depth and Drop Jump?
Athlete education is important on multiple levels when it comes to training, yet many are clueless about what and why they are training the way they are. This could be [...]
Why All Athletes Need Plyometrics
You have probably heard of plyometrics if you play any sport that involves jumping. Do you know why plyometric training is so important? Plyometrics occur in any sport that involves [...]
Why Your Big Vertical Jump Isn’t Showing Up During Games
Being able to jump higher is an offseason goal for many athletes. Who wouldn’t want to have the bounce to throw down a thunderous dunk or to score that crucial [...]
3 Special Strength Exercises for Better Jumping and Sprinting
When it comes to being a better athlete, we often want one (or both) of two key qualities: To run faster To jump higher Although raw power is great, there [...]
Why Athletes Should Practice ‘Distracted Landings’ in Their Training
If you’re looking for a phenomenal way to challenge your athletes’ strength, stability, coordination, landing technique and mental focus, I've got the drill for you. This drill has been a [...]
Already Mastered Box Jumps? Here’s How to Take Your Jump Training to the Next Level
This article is part 3 in a four-part series on programming and progressing jump training for field sport athletes. Read Parts 1 and 2 here. Let's look at how to [...]
Why Young Athletes Should Utilize the Lateral Plyometric Jump
All too often, athletes ignore lateral movement in their training. Why? Well, with literally thousands of exercises and drills at their disposal, athletes often ignore lateral movements for other, more [...]