Lower Body
Why the Goblet Squat Is the Best Squat for Young Athletes
It’s the ideal Squat variation to teach young athletes proper squat technique; however it can be used to build strength for everyone.
6 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day Again
“Friends don’t let friends skip a leg day.” Google this phrase and you will see a number of photos showing guys who have jacked upper bodies and twig legs. Here’s [...]
6-Week Soccer Goalkeeper Workout
There's a misconception that because goalkeepers aren't moving up and down the field/ice as much as other players that they might require less...
The Single-Leg RDL: How to Perform It, Common Mistakes and Advanced Variations
The Single-Leg RDL is a Potent Exercise For athletes, it develops the single-leg strength needed to be explosive off both legs when sprinting, jumping, and changing directions. It also focuses [...]
10 Single-Leg Exercises to Build Strength and Eliminate Imbalances
No matter what sport you play, leg strength plays a big role in your ability to perform; particularly individual leg strength due to the fact that most...
Front Squat 101: How to Master The Move in 5 Minutes
The Front Squat is a lower-body exercise that will strengthen your legs and hips, particularly your quads (thigh muscles) and glutes (butt muscles). Front Squats are similar to Back Squats, [...]
Should Athletes Have Upper and Lower Body Training Days? Or is Total Body Training Best?
The world has changed a lot in recent years, for sure. A decade ago, the average high school athlete had relatively little access to workout regimens and training protocols outside [...]
The Importance of Foot and Ankle Workouts
Foot and ankle training could be the most neglected and underrated aspect of sports performance. But it's critical, since activation for most athletic movements starts with the feet.
4 Simple Ways to Build Stronger, More Resilient Hamstrings
Hamstring muscle injuries are extremely common among athletes. They cause significant loss of training and competition time and have a high probability (between 12% and 31%) to recur. A whopping [...]
4 Things That Every Young Pitcher Should Address
We're looking to build pitchers who can compete at a high level in high school and beyond, and long-term athletic development is the key to succeeding in this approach.