Use These Restoration Techniques to Improve Performance and Health
Hard work, however reckless, is romanticized among athletes and coaches. There is a mindset that says "more is always better," with a complete disregard for the importance of recovery. (Find [...]
5 Tips to Recover and Reenergize After a Long Season
Recharge your batteries after a long season. The constant routine of practices, games, tests and homework can take a toll on the body of a student-athlete. Adequate recovery between sports [...]
Ask the Experts: How to Prevent a Side Stitch
Q: How can I prevent a side stitch? A: Also referred to as running cramps, side stitches are usually felt in the abdomen and can range from mildly uncomfortable to debilitating. Side [...]
Get Back in the Game After Pulling a Muscle
Pulled a hamstring or quad muscle recently? Don’t let it derail your season. Adhere to these general rehab guidelines, enhance your recovery and return to action sooner than expected. Recovery time [...]
The Athlete’s Recovery Guide
Athletes, you play and work out hard. Now you need to rest, recover and regenerate for your next game or training session. The best professional athletes understand this, but they [...]
How to Prevent Overtraining and Overreaching
Serious athletes have no time to break from training, right? Wrong. Conditioning for your sport is not all about work, activity and movement. You also have to rest, relax, and [...]
Are You Overtraining or Under-Recovering?
We're taught to be conscious of overtraining and its symptoms, because in the athletic world, fatigue leads to training derailments, illness or injury. However, what often goes unrecognized, by both [...]
Foam Rolling Exercises for Hockey Players
The general wear and tear of a hockey season often leaves players broken down and sore. To counter the stress of repetitive skating, shot blocking and body contact, hockey players [...]
Stay Healthy and Loose With a Tennis Ball
Article written by Zachary Cohen and Sarah Cayton. Athletes who don’t perform recovery exercises often feel stiff, and tight “trigger points” limit mobility. Foam rolling can help big muscle groups, but [...]
Best Ways To Relieve Sore Muscles
Athletes on every level know the sting of deep muscle soreness. Whether caused by weight room squats or running up and down the bleachers this fall, sore muscles can leave [...]