5 Rear Delt Exercises for Strong and Durable Shoulders
I'm sure most of you train your shoulders frequently, whether on upper body or total body training days, or a dedicated shoulders/arms day. Commonly...
How to Crush Your Entire Body in 10 Minutes Using One Weight Plate
Workouts have a tendency to taper off toward the end. You crush your exercises at the beginning, then everything gets progressively less intense. That is simply unacceptable! When you play [...]
2 Foam Roller Workouts For Strength, Not Recovery
Two Challenging Full-Body Foam Roller Workouts for Boosting Sports Performance By Jim Carpentier, CSCS A foam roller is commonly used for massaging away...
10-Minute Ab Workout You Can Do Anywhere
Don't let the title of this feature fool you. This ab workout isn't the ultimate solution to ripped abs. It take serious effort in training as well as...
Basketball Off-Season Workout: Strength and Size
If you've spent any time talking with a strength coach—or browsing the articles on STACK.com—you understand that it's critical to focus your training on power, speed and agility as a [...]
How to Treat a Pulled Neck Muscle
A strain is a pulled muscle and although they hurt anywhere in the body, the neck is among the worst places to deal with one. A pulled neck muscle can...
Use Pre-Exhaustion Supersets to Get Stronger
One question that strength coaches constantly get is: how do I push through a plateau. There are lots of ways to train around your main lifts to improve...
Mastering the Art of the Overhead Press
The overhead press has been given the short end of the stick far too often when it comes to exercises that are worth your while. Granted, there are a...
Off-Season Workout Program for Basketball Centers
To dominate in the paint, basketball centers must be big, strong and have a high vertical jump. They must also have the endurance to run from hoop to hoop so [...]
Use Lateral Raises to Build Shredded Shoulders (with Variations and Form Fixes)
The Lateral Raise is a popular exercise that builds larger deltoids, which are the rounded muscles on the top of your arms at your shoulders. It’s a simple exercise to [...]