6 Everyday Stretches for People Who Sit Too Much
Everyday stretches for anyone who sits for a living or sits too much at home. Sitting is the new smoking. Sitting for eight hours a day can be just as...
Get in Shape Fast With the 20-Minute Hurricane Workout
Here’s how people used to work out: lift weights, do cardio, go home. Then came the advent of metabolic training, when science revealed you can build muscle and burn fat [...]
17 Star Athletes Who Didn’t Start Until Their Senior Year of High School
Bummed you’re not a starter? Don’t pout. Don’t blame the coach. But most importantly, don’t give up. Because with hard work and perseverance, you can earn that starting spot eventually. [...]
The 7 Most Dangerous Exercises for Your Shoulders
You do an exercise, feel a twinge in your shoulder and power through the remaining reps because, well, you think you're weak if you don't. However, your shoulders simply are [...]
The 7 Loudest College Football Stadiums, Ranked
So cover your ears. You might be surprised by which stadium is No. 1.
21 Horrible Snacks for Athletes and What They Do to Your Body
Even if you're eating well-balanced meals, it's surprisingly easy to set yourself back with high-fat or sugary snacks. Snack time is when many Americans indulge in unsuspecting ways. Since portion [...]
LOOK: 20 Athletes With Unbelievably Messed Up Fingers
Sports are hard on the body, and athletes wear battle scars from their playing days their entire lives. And many times, those injuries involve fingers. Most sports require us to [...]
17 Signs Your Trainer is Screwing Up Your Workouts
We’d like to think that all personal trainers and strength coaches do everything perfectly when guiding your workouts. But unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Over the years, we’ve seen [...]
The 5 Worst (and 5 Best) Sports Nicknames
Maria Sharapova almost legally changed her last name to Sugarpova for the 2013 U.S. Open. Apparently, this was something she seriously considered, in order to publicize her recently created line [...]