ACL Surgery Recovery: A Timeline
The ACL injury has long been the most well known injury in sports. Now, it has gone from a career ending injury to one that has revitalized careers....
What is Plantar Fasciitis and How to Fix It
Plantar fasciitis is a common injury experienced by runners that results in heel pain, which can range from mild to debilitating depending on the severity of the injury. The plantar [...]
Why Athletes Should Practice Yoga
I had the pleasure of spending a week at Canyon Ranch, located in the Berkshires in Lenox, Massachusetts. It's spa and fitness heaven, offering everything from ab-specific classes to fitness [...]
The Pro Unit Foam Roller
The Pro Unit is a foam roller that can also be used as a weight. As a roller, it uses myofascial release techniques, the method of releasing tight constricted connective [...]
Treating Swollen Elbow
Olecranon bursitis is a condition characterized by redness and swelling around the boney part of the elbow. Also referred to as "swollen elbow," it often causes painful inflammation and can [...]
A Different Approach to Treating Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is inflammation of the tendons in the elbow caused by overuse of muscles in the forearm. I recently overcame my first battle with tennis elbow, and it was by [...]
DNA and the Future of Us
In our field, medicine—which affects us all, really—some exciting things are on the horizon. Some of them could change your life. For example, a recent study examined the 80% of [...]
What’s in Your Gym Bag? Sport-Specific Post-Workout Food Guidelines
Stretching is not your only important post-workout ritual. For serious athletes, it's just as critical to refuel with a post-workout meal. This decision can make all the difference in your [...]
Stiff Back? You Might Be Hurting It By Stretching
Curing a stiff or achy lower back requires more than dropping back into child's pose. It's a common misconception. Although a static backstretch may feel awesome, it's actually ineffective for [...]
Why Eggs Really Are Incredible (Yolks and All)
The age-old question of "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" is almost as puzzling as the question of whether we should even eat eggs. The confusion dates back [...]