Three-Part Mini Hurdle Routine
Improve force production for sprinting while perfecting proper running mechanics with the following three-part mini hurdle routine.
Adhere to proper sprint mechanics a you move through a row of six mini hurdles. Drive the balls of your feet into the ground underneath your hips and work for limited ground-reaction time. Perform the drills as quickly as possible.
One Foot Between Hurdles
- Rapidly pump knees, driving one foot into ground between hurdles as you move down row
- Sprint 10 yards after final hurdle
Sets/Reps: 1×2 with 30 seconds rest
Two Feet Between Hurdles
- Rapidly pump knees, driving each foot into ground between hurdles as you move down row
- Sprint 10 yards after final hurdle
Sets/Reps: 1×2 with 30 seconds rest
Single-Leg Cycle
- Rapidly drive right foot into ground between hurdles as you move down row; keep left leg straight and left of row
- Sprint 10 yards after final hurdle
- Repeat on left leg
Sets/Reps: 1×2 each leg with 30 seconds rest
Three-Part Mini Hurdle Routine
Improve force production for sprinting while perfecting proper running mechanics with the following three-part mini hurdle routine.
Adhere to proper sprint mechanics a you move through a row of six mini hurdles. Drive the balls of your feet into the ground underneath your hips and work for limited ground-reaction time. Perform the drills as quickly as possible.
One Foot Between Hurdles
- Rapidly pump knees, driving one foot into ground between hurdles as you move down row
- Sprint 10 yards after final hurdle
Sets/Reps: 1×2 with 30 seconds rest
Two Feet Between Hurdles
- Rapidly pump knees, driving each foot into ground between hurdles as you move down row
- Sprint 10 yards after final hurdle
Sets/Reps: 1×2 with 30 seconds rest
Single-Leg Cycle
- Rapidly drive right foot into ground between hurdles as you move down row; keep left leg straight and left of row
- Sprint 10 yards after final hurdle
- Repeat on left leg
Sets/Reps: 1×2 each leg with 30 seconds rest