Get Faster With This Year-Long Speed Training Program
My name is Lee Ness and I am Head Coach/Sprint Coach for City of Salisbury Athletics and Running Club in the UK. I have been coaching for many years but...
Can The Dweck Mindset Method Help Your Kids Be Better Athletes?
Introducing the Mindset Model by Carol Dweck The Dweck Mindset Model was developed by Professor Carol Dweck PhD, a world-renowned Stanford University...
Turbocharge Your Sprinting Speed With This Simple Running Drill
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line and this usually means it is the fastest. According to Geoffrey Dyson in The Mechanics of...
How to Train for Speed in Cold Weather
There is a point at which the weather or conditions or maybe even circumstance will prevent you from doing proper speed drills and speed work. For...
Sprint Faster With Speed Demons
One of the most important but neglected muscles in sprinting to increase your speed is the iliopsoas muscle, commonly known as the hip flexors, although...
Develop Speed With a Power Bag Workout
Power Bag Training Power bags are heavy training aids that are outstanding for improving explosive power - particularly good for sprinters. Power Bags...