Burn Fat
HIIT Training for Fat Loss: Pros and Cons
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been promoted as a panacea for fitness, achieving great results in less time. A recent overview of studies looking at using HIIT for fat loss [...]
Here’s How Many Carbs and Calories You Save By Ditching the Bread, Bun or Wrap
Here’s the skinny on this popular dieting trend.
Why The Sugar in Fruit Doesn’t Make You Fat
Sugar is bad.
4 Simple Things You Can Do Right Now to Get a Head Start on Your New Year’s Resolutions
New Year's resolutions kick into high gear on January 1st—actually, probably more like January 2nd. Gyms around the country are suddenly packed to the brim. Resolutions have their own problems. [...]
How to Stay Focused During the Holidays
Here are some tips and a workout to help you stay focused as the new year approaches.
7 Awesome Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do at Home
There are many methods and strategies to burn fat, but for any of them to work, they require you use the best fat burning exercises. This is even more...
Try This Stadium Stairs Workout to Get in Shape
You know those bleachers at your local high school that's right down the road from you? We don't have to wait for Football season to be here in order...
Why Every Human Being Should Run Sprints
Raise your hand if you’d like to do at least one of the following: Lose weight Build muscle mass Increase your chance of living longer Improve brain function Reduce your [...]
Is HIIT Really Better Than Low-Intensity Cardio for Weight Loss?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is all the rage these days. There is a lot of hype about HIIT cardio, mainly because it supposedly burns more calories in less time. In [...]
Burn Off Those Extra Thanksgiving Calories With These Fat-Burning Full-Body Exercises
What is so good about full body exercises? Well in today's world we want everything to be faster. We want our phones to be faster, our computers, weight...