Coconut Water
9 Easy and Portable Pre-Game Snacks for Athletes
You know you won’t perform your best on an empty tank.
Benefits of Coconut Water for Athletes
Top Benefits of Coconut Water for Athletes
6 Effective Drinks for Athletes
Ready to find the best hydration drinks to ease your thirst and give you power during workouts, intense training and lengthy sports sessions? Here are some effective and inexpensive options. [...]
I Hate Water: Healthy Alternatives to H2O
Staying hydrated is critical for everyone, especially athletes. Water plays an essential role in several aspects of body function and performance, including digestion, vitamin and mineral transport and vital organ [...]
Coconut Water Vs. Sports Drinks
Athletes benefit tremendously from a healthy dose of potassium in their diets, because potassium eases muscle cramps and helps balance high levels of sodium. However, athletes must determine the most [...]
Understanding Sports Drinks to Choose the Right One for You
Since Gatorade hit the market in the 1960s, sports beverages have continued to gain popularity among athletes across the spectrum, from recreational to elite. As major sponsors of sporting events [...]
Are You Drinking Too Much Water?
Since coaches preach the importance of fueling up with water from day one of practice, most athletes are well aware of the dangers of dehydration. However, a new study reveals [...]