Excellent Med Ball Exercises to Boost Your Batting Speed and Power!
Medicine ball throws, particularly rotational throws, enhance rotational power, core stability, and energy transfer from the lower body through the core to the upper body – all of which are [...]
27 Awesome Core Exercises for Athletes to Build Strength and Fight Back Pain
Working out can build you up or break you down. That’s especially true when it comes to core exercises. Perform the right moves the right way and you’ll get stronger, [...]
The Importance of a Strong Core for Basketball Players
Basketball, like many sports, is an athletic activity that is based on various aspects of athletic ability and physical well-being. From transitioning down the court to beating a man off [...]
Smart Substitutions in Training
For some of us, there’s nothing like starting a new training plan. New workouts, new formats, maybe some variations in reps or sets that we haven’t seen recently (or at [...]
How to Strengthen the Bottom of Your Squat
A big obstacle for many coaches, trainers, and athletes is attempting to improve the bottom of the squat, so you can maximize your ascent and lift more weight to ultimately [...]
5 Exercises That Will Increase Your Soccer Shooting Power
It’s the first day of soccer practice to start the new season. All the new and returning players arrive at the pitch. The coach drops a bundle of new soccer [...]
The Benefits and Reasons for Unilateral Training in Sports
Doing exercises like bilateral squats, chest presses, back rows, lat pulls, etc., fools your mind into thinking that your strength is balanced. You will always have a dominant side, so [...]
How core training can reduce the chance of sustaining an ACL injury.
The rupture of an athlete’s Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is painful and distressing. It requires surgery to repair and then a lengthy rehabilitation process before the athlete can return to [...]
The Perfect Core Exercise for Every Major Sport
why athletes should perform core exercises that are sport-specific and that mimic the movements they use on the field or court.
Why Soccer Players Need Rotational Power (and How to Build it)
If you want to be the best soccer player possible, you need rotational power. While I am all for Squats, Lunge variations, Pull-ups, Push-ups and Deadlifts for building maximal strength, [...]