Foam Rolling
Ready to Lift Heavy? Check Out These Injury Prevention Tips
Heavy lifting is a stressful process. Although we derive great benefits from resistance training, it's important to monitor fatigue and recovery to...
Reduce Muscle Soreness—With Caffeine?
Starting a new training program or revamping your workout may seem novel and exciting—until the days following, when you can hardly move without debilitating muscle soreness. Delayed onset muscle soreness [...]
Corrective Exercises for Knee Valgus
I've seen a huge change in the fitness industry in the corrective exercises department - their time is spent trying to fix weaknesses from poor posture!...
Achilles Tendon Pain Solved
If your Achilles tendon is achy or tight, don't worry, you're in good company. This is the body part that felled an otherwise-invincible Greek hero. Often, Achilles tightness has nothing [...]
3 Machines to Relieve Back Pain
Your spine and back muscles are subjected to stress from bad posture, uncomfortable chairs, and even gravity. If you don’t counteract these stresses, you may experience some form of back [...]
The Pro Unit Foam Roller
The Pro Unit is a foam roller that can also be used as a weight. As a roller, it uses myofascial release techniques, the method of releasing tight constricted connective [...]
Power Up Your Golf Swing in 2 Days
Recreational golfers come in all shapes and sizes. You might see someone on the course with a huge gut hitting the ball fairly well with a fluid swing. But that [...]
Unlock Your Hockey Performance With Mobility Drills
[youtube video="fiuEnJdgT14" /] If you want to take your hockey game to the next level, you must focus on more than strength, speed and power. Having sufficient mobility will help [...]
A Training Template for Your All-Season Workout
When you consider all the things your coach tells you that you need to improve on, you may be overwhelmed. Even coaches struggle with where to fit it all in. [...]
Stretch for Success: Techniques for Runners
Traditionally we've been led to believe that stretching is a requirement before any athletic activity. But this may not be true for elite runners. (See Stretching Do's and Don'ts with Washington [...]