Jumping to New Performance Levels: Plyometric Training for Youth
Plyometrics is not just for skilled athletes at the elite level. Studies show that plyometric training has positive effects on a number of performance attributes in 10- to 13-year-old children. [...]
10 Exercises That Burn More Calories than Running
We found 10 exercises that will help you incinerate calories—without ever having to hit the pavement.
How to Build First-Step Quickness for Baseball and Softball
Strength and Speed Training for Baseball and Softball Part 2 In part 1 of this program we covered what we covered the stability and mobility that is...
How to Run Faster and Longer
For improved top speed and longer time on the field, make sure your workouts include all six training methods.
How to Use the Pool to Recover Faster from Workouts
Pool recovery training is all about reducing the amount of impact your body endures while taking it through a range of motions.
Get in Shape for Your Season With This 12-Week Conditioning Plan
The conditioning workouts below should be completed after a speed and lifting session or just a speed session with lifting on another day.
2 Challenging Volleyball Conditioning Drills
When working with volleyball players, I come across many great athletes. However, their conditioning is somewhat neglected. This allows me to challenge them with volleyball conditioning drills that develop anaerobic [...]
7 Rules for Keeping Hydrated
Ever find yourself suffering from cottonmouth or intense cramps in the middle of a practice or game? If so, you were probably dehydrated. (Learn the Dehydration Warning Signs.) Keeping hydrated [...]
The Complete Athlete 1-Year Workout Plan: Speed and Agility Training
Speed and agility is important for success in sports. What follows is a sprogram that will develop a well-rounded athletie. This program is meant to...
Coaching Youth Speed Training
Much debate in the strength and conditioning world concerns how young athletes should begin a development program. However, experts agree that speed and agility drills can be part of any athlete's training, [...]