Middle School
USA Football Helps Youth Football Programs Get Critical Equipment
Uniforms looking a bit shoddy? Helmets dinged and beat up? If you’re an amateur football player, you and your team might be able to score some new equipment. Through May [...]
Video Games Are Less Awful Than TV. Here’s Why
Thinkstock If you’re laid up with an injury, you might want to swap out your television remote for an Xbox controller—at least according to a research study to [...]
14-Year-Old Quarterback Verbally Commits to LSU
Photo: FOX San Antonio via YouTube Eighth-grade quarterback Zadock Dinkelmann, from Somerset, Texas, has made a non-binding verbal commitment to LSU. Although Dinkelmann has yet to play a [...]
Challenge Yourself With 3 Shooting Drills
Shooting Drills are important to the development of a player and a team , gone are the days of throwing the ball and saying "shoot around" drills should...
Rap News Rundown: Gucci Mane, Master P and Consequence
More money, more problems. Rappers continue to feud with each other, and an Atlanta school makes a questionable decision. Gucci Mane Appears at Middle School's Career Day Faculty at Crawford [...]
Chocolate Milk after Workouts
Recently, pro athletes and top nutritionists have been touting the benefits of drinking chocolate milk after workouts. (Drink Muscle-Building Chocolate Milk and Join Team ReFuel.) Once thought of as an indulgence [...]
Pink Football Gloves Stir Controversy
Normally, rough and tough football players who battle it out on the gridiron don't sport pink gloves. However, when a New Jersey middle school student-athlete wore pink football gloves [...]
Dick's Sporting Goods PACE Program Helps With Concussion Education and Prevention
Concussions are serious business. If improperly treated, they can have long-term health consequences, put you on the disabled list or even end your athletic career. Many pro athletes experience the [...]
Ron Artest: NBA Champion, Mental Health Advocate
Ron Artest endured 11 seasons, played on six teams and took part in a host of bizarre incidents on his quest for an NBA title. The controversial Los Angeles Lakers [...]