New Console
Nintendo NX May Arrive in 2016—or Maybe Not
With all the rumors sprouting up at the top of this month around the Nintendo NX, the only certainty is: We know little about the highly anticipated console, and that's [...]
Gamer Update: PlayStation 4 Games and Compatibility
The list of games gearing up for the PlayStation 4 release grows by the week. Deep Down, Destiny, Diablo III, Drive Club, Final Fantasy, Infamous: Second Son, Kill Zone: Shadow [...]
Xbox 720 Could Mean The End for Used Games
The rumor mill is spinning at full speed about whether users will be permitted to play used games on the new Xbox 720 console. According to Edge Magazine, "Microsoft's next [...]
PlayStation 4 to Launch in February?
If you follow PlayStation on Facebook and Twitter, you may have seen this mysterious message on Thursday evening: "See the future." Attached was a link to a website featuring an [...]
Wii U Drops Nov. 18. Gamers Hyped
It seems the world of video gaming is changing almost daily. And on Nov. 18, that world will change once again, as Nintendo unleashes the long-awaited Wii U console. One of [...]
Wii U Release Date Rapidly Approaching
The rumor mill is spinning at max speed with talk of the Wii U's release date. Nintendo introduced their newest gaming console at last year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, but they deliberately [...]
Nintendo Wii U: What to Expect
Gamers, get ready! Nintendo's newest gaming console, the Wii U, is scheduled to hit shelves this coming November. As Wii's successor, Wii U comes with all the same features; however, [...]
New Open Video Game Console Raises Millions in Days
It's been a long, long time since a new video game console came from a company other than Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. But thanks to a community fund-raising project, we [...]