10 Best Baseball Strength Training Exercises
As a baseball athlete, you need to consider two important aspects of your training: total body strength and explosive power. But first, consider the muscle imbalances caused naturally by the [...]
Front Squat 101: How to Master The Move in 5 Minutes
The Front Squat is a lower-body exercise that will strengthen your legs and hips, particularly your quads (thigh muscles) and glutes (butt muscles). Front Squats are similar to Back Squats, [...]
A 10 Piece Warm Down Routine for Athletes
When we finish a game or workout, it can be tempting to pack up and hop in the car instead of stretching. The alternative plan is to “do it later,” [...]
Your Turkey Bowl Recovery Plan
If the Turkey Bowl was your first live action in a few weeks (or years), chances are you’re feeling tighter than a cooked turkey on the Friday and Saturday after [...]
Too Much Quad, Not Enough Glute: A Common Problem for Young Pitchers
The most common disconnect I see in young baseball pitchers is an inability to load the glute. Many pitching coaches will refer to this as "an inability to use the [...]
Try the Couch Stretch for Tight Quads
As an athlete, you use your quads a lot. They’re active every time you sprint, change directions, jump up for a ball, lunge or squat. Combined with our habit of [...]
How to Master the Single-Leg Squat
Single-leg squats are difficult. So difficult that many of you can’t even do a single rep, nevertheless add weight to the exercise. And who wants to do something you’re not [...]
Squat Smart: How Bar Position Changes The Squat Exercise
The Squat is king of the weight room. It’s a time-tested way to enhance almost every aspect of athletic performance. If you’re capable of squatting, there’s no reason it shouldn’t [...]
3 Strategies for Preventing Common Soccer Injuries
Your average soccer player spends hours honing their craft on the field - developing their touch, bending free kicks in to the upper 90, and running...
3 Foam Rolling Techniques You’re Missing In Your Recovery
One of the most popular ways to relieve muscle pain and soreness is foam rolling. Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, a self-massage...