9 Easy and Portable Pre-Game Snacks for Athletes
You know you won’t perform your best on an empty tank.
Nutrition Plan for Football
Specific nutrient requirements are based on your body size and position. What works for one player may not be the best strategy for someone else. But, all players can benefit [...]
How to Eat Healthy at a Dingy Sports Bar
Here are some menu items you might find at your local diner, pub or sports bar. Let's take a look at what to choose and what to pass on.
Here’s How Many Carbs and Calories You Save By Ditching the Bread, Bun or Wrap
Here’s the skinny on this popular dieting trend.
Terrible Toppings: The 5 Worst Things We Put on Food
Here are the five toppings that are the most likely to undermine your healthy eating efforts.
9 Athlete-Approved Peanut Butter Sandwiches
A peanut butter sandwich is an ideal meal for athletes because made properly, it provides an excellent balance of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates.
5 Things You Should Never Do When Ordering a Sandwich
To help you avoid sinking the healthiness of your sandwich, here are 5 common mistakes people make when trying to order a nutritious sub.
Quick On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas
Quick Breakfast Meals for On the Go I'm sure you have heard the statement "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and how ironic that we...
Why the Humble PB&J Sandwich Is the Most Popular Pre-Game Snack in All of Pro Sports
The humble peanut butter and jelly combination is having a moment in the sun. In a recent issue of ESPN The Magazine, Baxter Holmes wrote a fascinating feature about how [...]
The Healthiest Food to Eat at Wendy’s
Follow along as we tour through the menu to highlight the healthiest options we can find at Wendy's.