What is “Dead Butt Syndrome?”
Chances are if you are sitting on your butt most of the day you suffer from what is called a "dead butt syndrome" (Gluteal Amnesia). Why is this important? As [...]
How You Can Use N.E.A.T. To Stay Healthy and Avoid Weight Gain
N.E.A.T. stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Sounds complicated, eh? Well, it's not. What it means is all the non-exercises related activity you do that help burn calories. Sitting on the [...]
COVID-19 Is Making Americans Even More Sedentary
It is no secret that Americans have been sedentary and are progressively moving less and less as technology advances. COVID has accelerated the rate at which Americans sit still by [...]
Sitting the New Disorder
Sitting is the new disease and disorder because it is detrimental to your health, alignment, and movement. People of all ages are stricken by this disorder, ignoring and neglecting its [...]