Training Equipment
Will ‘Pulsers’ Actually Help You Run Faster?
There's a unique sound accompanying runners around the world. "Ba-Boom, Ba-Boom, Ba-Boom." That two-toned snap you're hearing comes compliments of David Weck's ProPulse Speed Trainers. The claims behind them are [...]
Their Players Missed 156 Games Due to Injury in One Season. Now They’re One of The Healthiest Teams in America
2016 was the wildest year in St. Xavier football history. The all-boys private school located outside Cincinnati has long had a strong program, but when they limped into the 2016 [...]
Amateur Sports Teams Are Gaining an Edge With GPS Technology
[youtube video="v7W-uPKcEuY"] GPS technology has long been a staple at the highest levels of sport. Pro teams around the globe have spent small fortunes on equipment designed to track player [...]
Connecting the Weight Room to the Field: Small Changes Make a Big Difference
Believe it or not, motor learning and skill acquisition don’t have to end on the field. With some simple tweaks to our training, we can bring many of those principles [...]
The SpeedGrip Sock Aims to Give Athletes More Quickness, Confidence
Stability breeds explosiveness. The more stable your body is, the more directional force you’ll be able to put into the ground. Small increases in ground force can result in big [...]
Don’t Trash Your Speed Ladder: How to Get the Most Out of This Much-Maligned Training Tool
There have been several instances in my career when I learned that things I did as an athlete growing up were not as effective as I thought they were at [...]
10 Pieces of Equipment Everyone Needs to Work Out at Home
With the new year upon us, some of you may be thinking about your new workout routine and how to stay as consistent as possible to hit all your fitness [...]
Mark Wahlberg’s Using LeBron’s Favorite Workout To Get Down to 6% Body Fat for an Upcoming Role
Mark Wahlberg is no stranger to fitness. He’s one of Hollywood’s biggest action stars, and he’s got the physique to match. But Wahlberg has decided to take his [...]
Fall 2017 Training Gear and Apparel Round-Up
Fall is rapidly approaching. That means you’re back in school (or are about to be), playing a sport and hitting the weights with your team. So there’s no better time [...]
Don’t Have Space for Sled Pushes? Use This Resisted Treadmill Instead
Prowler sleds have become a staple of high-performance training. Prowlers are an excellent tool for developing lower-body power, increasing ground force and improving cardiovascular conditioning. We’ve seen elite athletes like [...]