Vitamin D Deficiency
The Value of Vitamin D for Athletes
Vitamin D undoubtedly still remains one of the most hyped and popular sports supplements on the market today. Here is a quick primer that I contributed to over at [...]
Best Exercise to Be Dominate as a Faceoff Athlete in Lacrosse
A lacrosse game starts in a dynamic impartial, strategic fashion, where the lacrosse faceoff comes into play. The faceoff, an aggressive way to start the game, offers both teams, more [...]
Vitamin D’s Unknown Qualities
Importance of Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential to build healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin D also plays a critical role in the reduction of inflammation and reduces inflammatory responses, [...]
The Scientific Reasons You Feel More Tired During Winter (And How To Combat It)
When the winter months hit, many of us feel the need to hibernate. Suddenly, getting out of bed in the morning is a Herculean task. Mid-day fatigue rises to another [...]
Sleep and Sunlight: Why Athletes Need to Prioritize Both
Seeking that extra edge on and off the field? Improving dietary and exercise habits are common New Year's resolutions, but athletes and non-athletes should also ensure they’re getting year-round adequate [...]
Athletes Lacking This Elusive Vitamin Are Weaker, Slower and Less Explosive
A study from the University of Tulsa has found that low levels of vitamin D can lead to a significant drop-off in athletic performance.