Dumbbell Bench Press
Get a Great Full-Body Workout With Just a Single Dumbbell
If you want to stay in shape, you've got to adapt. That means figuring out how to get in an effective workout even if you lack access to a full [...]
Off-Season Strength and Conditioning Soccer Workout Plan
The game of soccer is incredibly demanding.
5 Fantastic Biceps Exercises You’re Probably NOT Doing
Did you get your tickets? To what you ask? To the gun show of course. All kidding aside, we’re going to pick five of the best biceps exercises to build [...]
Are You Committing This All-Too-Common Dumbbell Training Mistake?
Dumbbells are a phenomenal training tool. However, I've noticed one mistake lifters consistently commit when using them. A lot of lifters tend to bang the dumbbells together at the top [...]
Should Baseball Pitchers Bench Press?
Whether or not pitchers should Bench Press has been a debate inside and outside of the baseball community for a long time. And when I say Bench Press, I'm referring [...]
Bench Press Hurt Your Shoulder? Here’s What You Should Do
Over the years, I have trained numerous athletes with existing shoulder problems that prevented them from bench pressing heavy weight with a standard barbell. If you're dealing with similar issues, [...]
Build an NFL Body With Odell Beckham Jr.’s Weight Room Workout
You know that speed kills, but Odell Beckham Jr. will be the first to tell you that one cannot win at football just by being fast. Beckham’s trainer, Jamal Liggin, [...]
Are You Strong Enough to Join the San Francisco 49ers’ ‘Grown Man’s Club’? It Only Takes One Exercise to Find Out
A lot of football teams have “clubs” who require a certain level of performance in the weight room for entry. Many high school or college teams have a “Half Ton [...]
What Should I Do if One Side of My Body Is Stronger Than the Other?
We strive to be creatures of symmetry. Yet imbalances are all but unavoidable. And every day, we reinforce many of our body's physical imbalances through seemingly innocuous habits. We brush [...]
3 Grip Mistakes Undermining Your Bench Press, Deadlift and Lat Pulldowns
The stronger the grip, the stronger the man – or woman. Grip strength is one of the most overlooked aspects of training, but it goes far beyond exercise...