10 Exercises That Burn More Calories than Running
We found 10 exercises that will help you incinerate calories—without ever having to hit the pavement.
6 Reasons You Should Eat Almonds Every Day
Here are six reasons you should eat almonds every day.
5 Healthy Foods That Got a Bad Rap
People used to think that the world was flat, the sun orbited around the Earth and Pluto was a planet. Now we know better. Nutrition is no different. As research [...]
6 Healthy Foods You’re Overeating
When you find a food that’s somehow both healthy and delicious, it's easy to get addicted. It’s not often the foods you want to eat overlap with the foods you [...]
Turmeric: Is This ‘Miracle Food’ the Real Deal? Here’s What the Research Says
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three months, you’ve probably heard about turmeric. If not, here’s a quick rundown: Turmeric is a plant in the ginger [...]
Are Energy Drinks Risky For Athletes?
Athletes have interesting relationships with energy drinks. Who doesn't love caffeine? Caffeine is one of the most easily assessable stimulants, and...
9 Benefits of Eating Strawberries Everyday
Strawberries are awesome. A big, ripe juicy strawberry ranks right up there as one of the most irresistible foods mother nature offers. Not only are they delicious and refreshing, their [...]
How To Do A Kettlebell Snatch
The Exercise The Kettlebell Snatch forces your body to quickly propel a heavyweight over a large distance. It improves your muscles’ ability to fire quickly and produce max strength, which [...]
Train Harder With Hill Sprints
Walter Payton and Jerry Rice had a training regimen in common: hill sprints. A study by Texas Tech University found that athletes who wore weighted...
Follow These 5 Ridiculously Simple Steps To Eat Healthier
One big problem with most New Year’s resolutions is that they're too vague. “I want to get in better shape” sounds good, but how do you actually plan to do [...]