Mobility Work
How to Use Mobility as Stretching Rather Than Just Stretching Itself
Using mobility exercises as stretching focuses on enhancing your joints' range of motion and functional flexibility rather than just elongating muscles. Mobility exercises incorporate movements that engage stabilizing muscles around [...]
Why Alignment is Essential for Proper Joint Mobility
Mobility exercises will not be effective if your joints are not aligned properly. Alignment optimizes and improves their range of motion and mobility. Visualize it like this. A square peg [...]
4 Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility
For the most part, both athletes and adults could use more hip mobility. The way we live day-to-day whether that's sitting in classes, working at a desk, or taking on [...]
5 Strength Training Mistakes Too Many Athletes Make
here are five incorrect ideas that many athletes have about training, which we can clear up starting today.
Knee Valgus Is the Movement Deficiency That Plagues Many Young Athletes
Knee Valgus refers to a moment during a squat or jumping movement where the knees cave in toward one another.
Improve Your Mobility For Greater Gains
Functional Training is a hot topic these days. “You need to be performing exercises that are functional.” You might have heard or read this statement but not fully understand what [...]
Stretching: You’re doing it Wrong
Athletes of any sport would do well to remember that when it comes to preparing the body for activity, there are certain goals we must achieve, basically across the board. [...]
Why a Simple Leg Raise Reveals A Surprising Amount About Your Body
The Active Straight Leg Raise looks simple. You basically lie face up on the ground, then lift one leg as high as possible while trying to keep the other leg [...]
The Complete Basketball Dynamic Warm-Up
This article will feature five different phases of a dynamic warm-up that should be incorporated into a successful warm-up for basketball. The dynamic warm-up will be broken up into dynamic [...]
Top 3 Exercises to Relieve and Prevent Knee Pain
Knee injuries and knee pain plague athletes and the general population, alike. Knee injuries can be caused by multiple factors, such as traumatic injuries, overuse injuries and non-contact injuries. One [...]