Paleo Diet
Surprising Things You Can’t Eat on a Paleo Diet
The premise of the Paleo diet seems simple enough: if the cavemen didn't eat it, you shouldn't either. Hello meat, fish, poultry, fruits, and veggies. Goodbye refined sugar, dairy, grains, [...]
Dietary Displacement: The Real Reason Trendy Diets Can Produce Great Results
Keto. Gluten-free. Raw vegan. Many of today’s trendiest diets are quite restrictive. And when you think about it, some are in direct conflict with one another—raw vegan diets forbid all [...]
Is Cauliflower Rice Actually Healthy?
As people continue to look for healthy alternatives to the modern American diet, a number of new foods have entered the mainstream lexicon. One such addition? Cauliflower rice. I’d never [...]
Nutrition Experts Selected the Best Diet, And You’ve Probably Never Heard Of It
The best diet isn’t paleo. Nor is it vegetarianism. It’s not Weight Watchers, South Beach, Atkins or going vegan, either. Nope, according to a recent report in U.S. News and [...]
The Paleo Diet For Endurance Athletes: A Guide To Training Without Carbs
If you're an endurance runner or athlete, chances are your diet is a key aspect to your training. The food you eat affects your energy, both how quickly...
Why Exclusionary Diets Like Paleo Are Problematic
Diets are a tricky—and often touchy—subject. Some swear by certain ways of eating, while detractors point to flaws in an eating strategy. Most recently, the Paleo diet seems to be [...]
Is the Paleo Diet Good for Athletes?
Beyond the Cave: After attending the annual Food and Nutrition Conference in Nashville recently, I decided to write a few "bites" on the Diet and...
Study Ranks Paleo As Second-Worst Diet
Much like the CrossFit craze that’s produced many of its adherents, the Paleo diet has grown exponentially more popular in recent years. But a new survey of effective eating plans [...]
Where the Paleo Diet Falls Short
Has the Paleo diet missed its target? According to Dr. Robert Portman and Dr. John Ivy, sports nutrition experts and authors of the book, Hardwired for Fitness, the Paleo diet [...]
The Caveman Workout
It is time to elimate confusion with training programs and start implementing the caveman workout routine. We have all heard the phrase, "Less is...