Upper Body
Avoid Fumbles With This Ball Security Drill
No matter how fast or talented you are on the football field, you can't afford to fumble the ball. That's why ball security drills are critical.
Push-Up Grip Guide: How Different Hand Positions Change the Exercise
Push-Ups are a great bodyweight exercise because they require no equipment, target several key muscle groups, and effectively build strength and lean muscle mass when performed correctly. But like any exercise, how you [...]
6-Week Soccer Goalkeeper Workout
There's a misconception that because goalkeepers aren't moving up and down the field/ice as much as other players that they might require less...
How to Do Dips the Right Way
Dips are a bodyweight exercise that develops the triceps and other upper-body muscles. The exercise begins when you hold on to parallel bars with your arms straight. You then bend [...]
Bench Press 315 Pounds With This Training Plan
How to Bench Press 315 Nothing looks more badass than pressing 315 off your chest. The Bench Press is the exercise that separates men from boys. Every...
Upper Body Agonist/Antagonist Program to Develop Strength and Speed
Agonist Antagonist Training (AAT) is not just good for saving time. It is an excellent program to develop strength. But for it to be effective, you need to know how [...]
Should Athletes Have Upper and Lower Body Training Days? Or is Total Body Training Best?
The world has changed a lot in recent years, for sure. A decade ago, the average high school athlete had relatively little access to workout regimens and training protocols outside [...]
4 Ways to Increase Lacrosse Shot Rotational Power
To get the most out of your lacrosse shot, you need to rotate the right segments of your spine at the right time.
The 6 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Your Upper Body
Bodyweight exercises can be a great option while traveling if you're short on time or after heavy strength work to build strength and size.
An Upper-Body Baseball Training Routine for the Off-Season
This training regimen focuses on the upper body. During off-season training, go through this upper-body routine two times per week, with leg days in between.