Chicken Breast
5 Unusual Foods That Build Muscle
Most of us already know the main foods that promote muscle growth, such as chicken, eggs, and peanut butter. We don't need to be told about them for the umpteenth [...]
3 Tips to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Who likes spending their entire paycheck at the grocery store? Advertisers and big businesses will lead you to believe that expensive foods are the...
Eat Like a Champion, Part 1: How to Build Muscle in the Kitchen
Welcome to the STACK Eat Like a Champion article series, where we'll talk to nutrition experts about how to eat to beat the competition and how to build...
The Truth About Eating Before Bed
"Eating before bed makes you gain fat." Sigh. Eating right before bed does not make you gain fat, and quite actually will not only help you build...
5 Non-Boring Ways To Eat Chicken
Student-athletes are busy people. STACK understands that. That’s why we are bringing you our “Non-Boring Ways to Eat” series, each installment of which presents a week’s worth of healthy, performance-fueling [...]
Complete Your Nutrition with Incomplete Proteins
There’s more to protein than eggs, beef and chicken breasts—a lot more. And believe it or not, not all of it comes from animals. Some of the tastiest and most [...]
How to Make Flavorful Meals Without Excess Fat, Sugar and Sodium
What do healthy options like steamed vegetables, lean chicken breast and low-sodium soups have in common? They're bland and boring! When learning to cook and eat more nutritiously, the most [...]
What to Eat to Get Bigger, Faster and Stronger
Athletes search long and hard to improve their chances of emerging from competition victorious. From intense weight sessions, new speed drills, and conditioning workouts to looking for weaknesses on game [...]
How to Optimize Healthy Budget Eating
Eating to achieve the ideal body doesn't require you to buy the latest organic products. Those food items are usually expensive, and they're often not even the best choices for [...]
Kait's Meal of the Month: Almond Crusted Chicken
Editor's Note: Tired of reading why it's important to eat healthy and what your diet should consist of? If you're a STACK reader, you know by now that certain foods [...]