Hockey Goalies: 5 Exercises to Help You Perform a Butterfly Save
Dozens of times every game, hockey goalies assume a position unique to the sport—the butterfly. Goalies who use the butterfly need incredible lower body mobility since the position requires them [...]
How to Improve Your Turkish Get-Up
The Get-Up can get tricky with hand placement and the odd jumps in pounds from kettlebell to kettlebell. Try these variations to make small incremental jumps to improve overall.
Treating an Ankle Sprain
Most athletes have twisted an ankle at some point in their careers. Although ankle sprains are quite common, they aren't always minor injuries. If your ankle becomes swollen or painful [...]
Max Your Muscle Gain With These Essential 8-Tip
How much protein is optimal? How many sets get the best results?What's the most effective split for muscle gain? Putting on size can get confusing with...
The Best Post-Workout Carbs
Eating after a workout is essential! A common myth is that recovery foods consumed after a challenging workout should consist solely of protein sources. This is partially true, but it's [...]
How To Perform The Eccentric Calf Raise
The Eccentric Calf Raise, an exercise that increases explosive calf strength. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2GgSoHvIXo Muscular Benefits Increases explosive calf strength Improves deceleration Eccentric Calf Raise Sports Performance Benefits The calves are not [...]
Perfect Planks: How to Make this Classic Exercise More Effective
To make the Plank more applicable to your sport, here are three critical things to remember when performing this classic exercise.
3 Simple Tips to Gain Muscle Mass
So what does it really take to put on muscle mass? Here are three quick tips.
Towel Training: One Simple Hack That Will Crank Up Your At-Home Workouts
There are some easy ways to spice up your at-home workouts.
How to Run Faster and Longer
For improved top speed and longer time on the field, make sure your workouts include all six training methods.