What Female Athletes Should Know About Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency can decrease performance and lead to anemia. This article explains how iron works and what to look out for to make sure that your female athlete is not [...]
How to Improve Female Athlete Participation in the Weight Room
Even though teenage girls may be motivated differently than teenage boys and may not have as strong of an urge to get in the weight room, these initial reservations can be overcome.
The Real Dangers of Energy Deficiency in Female Athletes
In 1972, a short but powerful federal law was passed: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the [...]
Why Not Wanting to ‘Get Bulky’ Is a Dumb Reason to Avoid Weight Training
The fear of "getting bulky" is used by many athletes, male and female, as an excuse to avoid the weight room. If you have trained like an animal non-stop for [...]
An Open Letter to Strong Female Athletes
This article originally appeared on Dear Strong Female Athlete, Take up space. In fact, so much space that the world rumbles from your strength, people’s hearts vibrate from how [...]
Allyson Felix Broke a Usain Bolt Record a Mere 10 Months After Giving Birth
Ten months ago, Allyson Felix gave birth to her first child. Sunday, she broke the record for most career gold medals at the track and field World Championships. Felix, 33, [...]
It’s Not ‘Training Like a Man.’ It’s Training Like an Athlete
“Coach, I don’t want to look like a man.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that phrase. It’s one of the biggest misconceptions regarding girls and strength [...]
20 Lessons for Female Athletes on Training and Life
This article originally appeared on Somewhere out there, there’s a female athlete getting yelled at by her coach for making a mistake. Somewhere out there, there’s a female athlete crying [...]
How One Pakistani Woman Used Squash to Help Her Escape the Terror of the Taliban
Maria Toorpakai, a 27-year-old professional squash player, grew up as a sports-loving tomboy in Pakistan. As you may imagine, that wasn’t exactly easy. Toorpakai outline a wild childhood that involved [...]
Gurlz Got Game Attracts Nationally Ranked Athletes
The rhythmic bounce of a basketball echoes across arenas filled to capacity as the nation watches the most refined and skilled collegiate female basketball players compete. As the spectators cheer [...]