Physical Activity
Only 5 Minutes a Day to Get Fit? Do VILPA!
The five-minute VILPA (Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity) workout is an excellent routine with outstanding results. It is great for those who need time to incorporate fitness into their day. [...]
Why Fun Should Be the Focus of Youth Sports
I think it is safe to assume that the readers get it. The benefits of physical activity in youth are universally well known and accepted in...
Do Kindergartners Really Need 30 Minutes of Homework a Night?
Do kindergartners really need homework? If you polled most Americans, the answer would likely be a resounding no. Yet a 2015 study found that American kindergartners were spending nearly a [...]
3 Basic Nutrition Rules Athletes Need to Follow
The Nutritional Exercises You Are Not doing to Lose fat, Gain Muscle, & Feel Better Matt Crawley, MS, CSCS,*D, RSCC, USATF-1, FRC, PN1 Enough with the...
Study Finds That Teenagers Get as Much Exercise as 60-Year-Olds
Before technology became so prevalent, kids spent a lot of time outdoors. They played stick ball in the streets, flew kites, and rode their bikes...
New U.K. Food Label Proposal Will Scare People Away From Processed Foods
Food goes down incredibly easy. Burning it off? Well, that’s another story. This is a major problem facing our society. Too often exercise cannot compensate for the amount of calories [...]
CrossFit for Kids: Not What You Might Think
Lately, we’ve been seeing lots of headlines about CrossFit Kids, programs for children under 18. At first glance, this sounds like not such a good idea. Hang Cleans and Deadlifts [...]
Study Suggests Physical Activity Helps Athletes Perform Better on Mental Tests
If you’re an athlete, you warm up before practice or a game because it helps you perform at your peak. But what about when you’re preparing for strenuous mental activity—y’know, [...]
How to Start Your Barefoot Leg Workout
"Shoes are mainly developed and bought for fashion. Anyone telling you anything else is selling you something." - Martin Rooney For the past 5 years...
Hydration Inside the Race Car
Weight reduction is critical when the goal is to make race cars go faster. For professional racers, every tiny bit we can shave from the car's weight is beneficial. This [...]