Shoulder Press
How to Get Stronger Shoulders by Training Your Back Muscles
When people think about building stronger shoulders, they typically focus on exercises that target the deltoids. However, training your back muscles can be just as crucial, if not more so, [...]
8 Exercises For Strong and Healthy Shoulders
Everyone wants to have those big, broad “boulder” shoulders. The problem is that there tends to be a good amount of aches and pain that come with the traditional training [...]
The Simple Cue That Will Fix Your Landmine Shoulder Press
When it comes to shoulder exercises, it's tough to find a bigger bang for your buck than the landmine shoulder press. It's got it all. Landline presses...
Train Your Core and Shoulders at the Same Time With These Shoulder Press Variations
Efficient programs – that is something that we are all looking for. Performing bent over rows you train your grip strength as well as your pulling...
4 Total-Body Lifts That Will Help You on the Field
Athletes that paricipate in sports like football or basketball are different than athletes who enter bodybuilding contests. Bodybuilders need to isolate...
The Perfect Shoulder Workout for Strength and Durability
Do you have trouble adding size and strength to your shoulders? Do you train them each week and just can't seem to get the upper body you deserve? This...
This Shoulder Press Variation Will Build Strong and Durable Shoulders for Baseball
The traditional Landmine Press is used as a substitution from movements like Overhead Press and Bench Press. For overhead sports, it makes a safer...
3 Workout Finishers to Prepare for an Obstacle Course Race
Obstacle course race season is just starting. In these races you need to muster up all your strength and endurance to complete the race. This means you...
An 8-Round Shoulder Press Workout Challenge
Looking for a grueling shoulder press workout?Well look no further. This will absolutely bury your shoulders and leave you with that fire in your arms...
How the Military Press Benefits Athletes
As of right now, I think that most trainers and coaches tend to avoid most forms of military pressing with their athletes, primarily because they are...