Sprint Technique Review: Part 3-Stride Rate vs. Stride Length Explained
Stride Rate vs. Stride LengthStride Rate vs. Stride Length Speed is commonly said to be the product of running speed. Stride rate is simply the number of strides taken in [...]
Basic Speed Drills for Young Athletes
Perform the drills one to two times per week on your speed days to increase speed and fortify your running technique.
3 Effective Base Stealing Drills
f you watch some of baseball's best base stealers, like Rickey Henderson, you'll quickly appreciate the three keys to stealing a base—reaction time, a quick jump and top end speed [...]
How To Perform The Eccentric Calf Raise
The Eccentric Calf Raise, an exercise that increases explosive calf strength. Muscular Benefits Increases explosive calf strength Improves deceleration Eccentric Calf Raise Sports Performance Benefits The calves are not [...]
How to Run Faster and Longer
For improved top speed and longer time on the field, make sure your workouts include all six training methods.
Perfect Your Track Sprint Start
On Your Mark
Hockey Players: Increase Your Skating Speed with These Starting Tips
What makes one hockey player faster than another? Skating speed is derived from a blend of strength and proper mechanics which help a skater move...
Sprinter Workout for Explosive Acceleration
Top sprinting speed might be flashier, but it's your start that sets you up for success during a race. To improve this critical component of a race, you must develop [...]
The Complete Athlete 1-Year Workout Plan: Speed and Agility Training
Speed and agility is important for success in sports. What follows is a sprogram that will develop a well-rounded athletie. This program is meant to...
Get Faster this Winter with Treadmill Speed Workouts
Winter is here and the cold weather means that many of you won't be able to continue your speed workouts outside. However, this is not an excuse to ignore this [...]